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Graph IDEExport And Import ► Standard

There are many ways to export and import data and representations into and from Graph IDE. The Introduction to this section lists the many ways and what follows are some standard mechanisms.

Copy and Paste

All graphics respond to copy and paste. First select the graphics you wish and then type command-c and paste it (command-v) where you wish. Typically the paste will be a graphical image of the selection, however if the application pasted to only accepts textual entry then the paste will be a textual serialization of the selected graphics which is a Dictionary.

The copy operation defines an implicit frame of the selected graphics. If you so not like that frame then it can be artificially sized larger by first placing a rectangle under the selected graphics, turning that rectangle's drawing off (stroke and fill off) and then drag-selecting the previous selected graphics plus the hidden rectangle and copying the new selection. Once done with the paste you should probably reselect the hidden rectangle, using a drag select, and delete it.

Copying and Pasting in a Graphic View works with the graphical representation while copying and pasting in a Table works with the textual representation, which is usually a decimal representation.


The Palettes section describes how graphics can be dragged within Graph IDE. On platforms that accept inter-app dragging graphics can also be dragged to applications running on those platforms.


The Graphic View can be printed in the usual way, command-p. Before you print you may first wish to alter the page layout of the graphic view to correspond to the print pagination.

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